Monday, 30 December 2013



Seseorang pernah berkata, ''Masa study week sangat menyeronokkan , sebab kita dapat tau apa yang kita tak pernah tahu tentang topik tu.''

Sungguh la.
Masa study week la melopong sikit,
sebab nampak ceteknya ilmu kita tentang satu tajuk tu.
Kalau aku, nganga bila baca patho la.

Tapi still, kena usaha untuk cover semua benda yang masuk exam.
Dan kenal diri kita, study paling efisien macam mana.
Ibarat kena kenal musuh; kekuatan dan kelemahannya, baru kita boleh lawan dia.
Bila kenal kekuatan kita, baru tau senjata apa nak diguna.
Kenal kelemahan, usaha perbaiki kelemahan.

Pakcik Sun Tzu pun cakap :

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.
If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.
If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Dan Hiccup dalam movie How To Train Your Dragon telah mengajar kita;
kadang-kadang, musuh yang ganas (baca : naga) boleh ditumpaskan dengan cara-cara mudah.
Tak perlu bunuh pun.
Dengan syarat , kita perlu kenali musuh itu dan diri kita.
Dan Hiccup sedar bahawa dia tidak sanggup untuk bunuh naga,
maka dia cuba cara lain ; jinakkan naga.

Kesimpulan, tidak semua perkara perlukan penyelesaian yang rumit.
Know yourself (your study techniques) and your enemy (cover all the syllabus)
All will be fine , insyaALLAH~

P/S : Mari walk the talk wahai penulis T.T

Tuesday, 24 December 2013


dibangunkan fajar oleh suara indah itu
''solehah, subuh duluu''

berpenat lelah
bantu si ayah
ganti si tunggal teruna

gaduh manja
jenaka mereka
yang berlima

kampung damai
hijau yang tenang

kesayangan memanggil
menyahut dan menderu
bilamana diseru
disuapi sebotol susu

terbangunkan oleh itam
yang kelaparan
menginjak tuan; mengiau lapar

Ah di sana selalu ada ketenangan
terbasmi kelayuan
agresi dineutral pemejalwapan
itu keperluan

segeralah usai
dan kemasai akan pamit
aku tak lagi terburai

Moga rindu
jadi sumur kekuatan
derap ke hadapan

p/s : Jom bergerak~ Mohon doakan kestabilan emosi musim2 exam nih.
Sungguh. Failure to control emotions makes you even more emotional.

Friday, 20 December 2013


She thinks she's all alone
And all her hopes are gone
And so I wrote this song
So she can move along

Well, things were bad
She was in despair
Well, things were bad.
And you were never there

But things were bad
She came up for air
She said a little prayer
She found herself


Yeah, she's got a light in her face
She don't need no rescue and she's okay
Yeah, she's got life in her veins.
She don't need no rescue and she's okay.
No SOS needed; no rescuing, she's fine out there
No SOS needed; no rescuing, she's fine out there
Yeah, she's got life in her veins
She don't need no rescue and she's okay

She looks into the sky
And all her tears are dry
She kiss her fears goodbye
She's gonna be alright.

But things were bad
It was beyond repair.
She was scared
She couldn't handle it.
Things were bad but now she's glad
Can't you tell - she's walking on air?


Yeah, she's got a light in her face
She don't need no rescue and she's okay.
Yeah, she's got life in her veins.
She don't need no rescue and she's okay.
No SOS needed; no rescuing, she's fine out there
No SOS needed; no rescuing, she's fine out there
Yeah, she's got life in her veins.
She don't need no rescue and she's okay

That girl is you, yeah
And that girl is me
That girl is stronger than the 
raging sea
That girl is you, yeah
And that girl is me
That girl is stronger than the raging sea


Yeah, she's got a light in her face
She don't need no rescue and she's okay.
Yeah, she's got life in her veins.
She don't need no rescue and she's okay.
No SOS needed; no rescuing, she's fine out there
No SOS needed; no rescuing, she's fine out there
Yeah, she's got life in her veins
She don't need no rescue and she's okay

Thanks Yuna :D lecture mak dan kakak2 sangat bermakna jugak~ I'm a happy Elsa with Anna(s) around me :)

Saturday, 7 December 2013


Topik kali ni ialah pengajaran daripada badan.
Dalam badan kita banyak keajaiban
Ada yang sampai sekarang tak terungkap

Antara keajaiban tu ialah pacemaker jantung kita iaitu SAN (Sinoatrial node).
ALLAH buat Inche SAN ni boleh depolarize diri sendiri lepas setiap action potential.
So dia akan depolarize diri sendiri sampai jadi action potential seterusnya.
Proses ini berulang, dan jantung kita kekal berdenyut selagi belum ajal.

Maka SAN ini kira ketua kepada setiap contractile and conducting cardiac myocytes.
Maestro kepada orkestra jantung.

Apa jadi kalau ada tempat lain atau kumpulan sel lain nak jadi ketua jugak?
Masing-masing nak bagi arahan sendiri?
Cardiac myocytes akan jadi pening kepala taktau nak ikut arahan mana.
Last last semua pening , contract suka hati, relax suka hati.
Darah tak dapat dipam dengan baik.
Jasad derita.
Paham cerita?

Maka kita boleh umpamakan ketua kita macam SA node.
Kalau dalam organisasi tu, kita sbg orang bawahan takmau ikut ketua, nak buat kepala tau; rosak organisasi. Gerak kerja dan matlamat takkan sampai.

Dalam Islam pun ada konsep ''Dengar dan taat''
Dengar dulu arahan ketua,dengar membuahkan faham, kemudian taat.
Bukan taat melembu pekak tanpa faham.

Sebagai orang bawahan juga takyah la ''kelitin'' cari salah ketua sangat.
Kalau obvious sangat salah tu tegurlah dengan baik.

Ostad kata, sifat suka mengkritik dari bawah/dari luar , tanpa masuk medan juang ialah sifat Yahudi.
Asyik post pasal kezaliman Yahudi, boikot Israel ; tanpa sedar Yahudi sebenar ada dalam diri T.T
Pedih kan?
Suatu hakikat yang harus diterima pemberontak kepala batu macam aku.

Ketua dipilih untuk memudahkan,
maka tak dapat semua, ikutlah sebahagian bentuk-bentuk pertolongan yang mereka hulurkan.
Supaya hujung nanti kita tidak menyalahkan; ''Salah ketualah saya begini, saya begitu''

Sekian leteran baku.
Benda ni dah lama hurung kepala macam lalat hurung org masa winter.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Tips to Happiness

“The Paradoxical Commandments

People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.

If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.

The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.

The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.

People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway.

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.

People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.

Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.”
― Kent M. KeithThe Silent Revolution: Dynamic Leadership in the Student Council

''Erti hidup pada memberi.''-Ustaz Hasrizal
Let's give until ur capable of no more :)